If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy & Sad

I must shout it from the rooftops--I HAVEN'T HAD A SINGLE DROP OF SODA OF ANY KIND IN 6 MONTHS! This from me, the one who, after the alarm went off, would put my feet on the floor, go to the refrigerator, pop open a can of Dr. Pepper, take a drink, THEN open my eyes. Dennis used to make fun of me for that. That would be the only 12 ounces of soda I would have for the day, but I NEEDED it. Or so I thought. I decided my body didn't deserve to have me put 10 teaspoons of sugar in it first thing in the morning, so I quit--just like that. There were a few times that I missed it. Long day already at 2pm, a Dr.Pepper would have given me the boost to get me through the long afternoon ahead. I surprised myself, though, I could indeed keep going without it. Now, I rarely think about it at all.

I'm sad, too, and perhaps a little desperate. Blueberries are now $4/pint. I can no longer justify my habit. I'm currently going through withdrawals until summer when the price goes back down. I am, hoewever, soothing myself with a gallon can of freeze dried blueberries that I ordered. They are not cheap, either, but they are here, already paid for, so that's like, free!

I'm also adjusting in other places, as well. I, being the best sister-in-law in the whole world, have started a strict diet to offer moral support. My dear sister-in-law is having lots of allergy and medical issues, and needed to start an Elimination diet to get things under control and find the culprits. We found one, and I told her I would do it as well to offer moral support. No caffeine, no gluten, no dairy, no sugar unless it comes from eating a piece of fruit, and nothing processed. (Hmmm, I wonder if my dried blueberries count?) We started Saturday, and so far, so good. It makes you think out of the box. There is plenty I can eat, just can't have some of the stuff I usually grab in a pinch. No Kashi bars, no Kashi cereal with milk, and none of my beloved Ezekial bread ( I miss you, I will come back to you, don't be sad). It is more of a mental challenge than anything. Pushing myself to step out of my comfort zone and prove I can do it. One of the hardest times so far, has been making two decorated cakes this week. No cake batter sampling, and no snacking on the warm, soft cake, fresh from the oven that I just trimmed off. Hard times. But, I survived, and am no worse for the wear. It really is easier than I would have thought, and something I've been working on for a while. We have made food very emotional, and getting back to a place where food is fuel for the body, not a blankie that we can also eat, makes eating well so much easier! I find myself planning food around what my body NEEDS at that moment, not just what my emotions say I want. Definately helps to change the perspective. That cake offers nothing beneficial at all to my body, but an apple and some almonds will fuel it. Instead of having the attitude of deprivation if I don't have empty foods, I think of the good I'm doing myself. Rather than think I deserve a treat, I think, my body deserves good, whole, foods to meet the demands I place on it. I stopped saying "Poor me, I can't have cocoa puffs." Instead, I pat myself on the back for having steel cut oats with banana and walnuts with cinnamon (Yummy, by the way!) because I know it makes my body happy. I'm hoping to keep it running happily for a very long time.

Okay, I really have to get motivated and do some housework. It just keeps escaping me. Of course, it doesn't help that if I do it today, I'll just have to do it again tomorrow. Not very promising. I'm hoping eventually we will get some warmer weather and it will energize me. Until then, I'm going to have to pretend, and do it anyway. Wish me luck! Sarah


  1. That's fantastic about your sister in law! I've been praying for her! I'm glad she has someone to support her like that!
    Way to go without the soda! It's very, very addicting. I've heard that it's harder to quit soda than it is to quit cigarettes because we don't see it as bad, so a cheat here or there doesn't seem like as big of a deal. Congrats!
    I don't think frozen blueberries count as processed food but check the ingredients. It should say blueberries and no more than 2 or 3 other ingredients. As long its not high fructose corn syrup or hydrodgenated anything, it should be okay :)
    Missing Ezekiel bread!? Oh no! I love my Genesis bread! We go through a loaf a week just me and Jason. Lol.
    Gook luck with the house work! Three boys probably proves to be quite a beautiful mess :)

  2. Sarah,,,can say that the days are much better, medicine is working great. With that and the diet, Now I have had to get a little sweet n low every now and then. Went off the deep end once to have one almond joy,,,but got back in the saddle. Really funny about the Depeppers. Love Lori

  3. Sarah, I forgot about the other weak moment I had, about 20 chips with a very mild hot sauce.
    Love Lori

  4. If you get in a bad car wreck and you are aware that you aren't going to make it, you are going to wish that you had ate the cake and drank the Dr. Pepper!!! LOL!


  5. Yeah, but when I'm still going stron at 85, I'll be glad I didn't! Then I'll drink a Dr. Pepper-LOL
