If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Today was one of those days that tests your stomach as a mother. Cade had Cub Scouts tonight, and when we left, it was already dark. As we're beginning to pull away and head home, Kyler says, "Here Mom." Now, in the car, this happens constantly. It might be garbage, a toy he's done with, a drink he's finished with, you never know. I will be more careful from now on. I reach back, in the dark, and hold out my hand. He places it in my hand, and in a split second, I find my mind racing--"He didn't have gum. Did he not want the rest of his grape? What in the world is this disgusting feeling thing?" So, I ask "what is it?" He very proudly replies "A booger!" Ewwww! I'm sorry I asked! I can honestly say, that after 10 years of motherhood, this is a first! I never thought I'd have to establish a "no passing boogers without a kleenex" rule, but it is now on the books.

After school, and before Scouts, we raced to Beaumont to Academy for the annual fun of searching for a pair of cleats for Cade. Now, shopping for shoes for Cade is like a treasure hunt. You know there are a pair out there to fit, there has to be; but can you find it? Yesterday I was feeling optimistic, so I picked up a pair in the same size as his school shoes. I don't know what I was thinking, usually I'm much more realistic. So, today, we returned those shoes that he couldn't get his foot into, and bought a pair a size and a half larger. It turned out to be much less painful than years past. Pants, however, are a different story. Cade has managed to find the exact weight where a small is cutting off his circulation, and a medium is falling off. Hmmm, what now? Thank goodness they're required to wear a belt. Oh, and after 5 years of playing baseball (two of which Cade and Coy both played), we actually have the appropriate color belt and socks, without having to buy more! I'm super excited!

I'm also excited about our upcoming vacation, but for the life of me, I can't seem to get anything done to get us ready to leave. Usually, I have 4 lists going, and I'm on the ball. So far, nothing. I have always worked best under last minute pressure, but this is ridiculous. Packing for a family of 5 is no small feat. We also pack most of our food as well, because we don't eat out most meals while we're gone. Okay, wish me luck! Sarah


  1. 1ST TO COMMENT!!! Have they Made it snow in the house with baby powder yet? Apparently that was a favorite at my house...;)

  2. Shhhhhh! No, they haven't. Of course, now, if they do, I'll know who to blame! Sarah

  3. I don't know who's facial expression I would have liked to have seen yours or his the most...Have to say yours when you found out!!!Lori
