If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Babies, babies, everywhere, and none of them are mine (Thank goodness!) They say things happen in threes, and this time, at least, its true. My extended family is about to grow in leaps and bounds. By the end of the summer, we will be three more. On January 2, my brother Adam and his wife Miranda announced they were expecting a long awaited bundle of joy. After all but giving up, they couldn't be happier, and neither could we. I, personally, am pulling for twins. I'm afraid otherwise, they may have only one. Hey, they won't live at my house, so I think twins would be a blast! They are rampant in Miranda's family, so I can hope. The estimated arrival date is August 26. Can anyone say "the dog days of Summer?"

January 17th was the 1st wedding anniversary for my dearest cousin Jodi and her awesome husband Aaron. We celebrated with gumbo that was canned from the wedding, leftover bowls and plates for authenticity, and a really, um, yummy, one year old wedding cake. We guilted them into tasting the old cake for luck, and then we all enjoyed a fresh cake made for the day. After dinner, Kyler came in with a white stick which immediately induced a round of squeals, hugs, and shock for the new grandpa. Aaron, meanwhile, is in the background saying (fist in the air) "Me! I did it!" Give credit where credit is due--Great job Aaron! Then starts the frenzy of texts to Dale and Christina who are both in Utah at school. Lots of "Are you kidding?" and "Awesome". The happy parents-to-be headed to Nome to share with Aaron's parents, and left the rest of us pacing in front of our computers, waiting to make a post on facebook-but not before the other grandparents were told. Aaron has downloaded the "What to Expect" application for his iTouch, and is keeping up with Mom and Baby progress, and learning what days it may be safer to just work late. They are counting the days until September 8.

I also recently learned that Hayden is going to be a big brother! My brother Andrew and Missy just announced that they are expecting a boy to be delivered by c-section on May 26. How's that for short notice? I think they know I'm not very good at waiting. They are planning to name him Cameron. They better stick to that, because I'm already in the habit of calling him Cameron. I'm having a blast keeping Hayden as often as I can, and I'm sure Camerson will be just as fun. I'm not sure, however, how soon I'll be ready for both of them at the same time!

So, one down, two to go. No pressure Miranda and Jodi. There just hasn't been a baby girl in my life for 11 years. I couldn't help myself today. I've looked at the new spring onesies that are out 3 different times in the last week, and, until now, was able to resist. They are the cutest things ever! The soft blues, and greens with frogs, and horses. The pink, robin's egg blue and yellow with butterflies and bumble bees. I had passed up the blue ones because they are too small for Hayden, and the pink, well, I know no girls-yet. Today, I caved. Blues for Cameron, and pinks just in case. If we end the summer with 3 new boys, I'll find someone to give them to. Ooops, I just remembered Dennis reads this. I love you dear! Look at the bright side-I like buying the clothes, but we get to send them home! I promise its cheaper than having more of our own.

I'm definately living in a house full of boys. After Jodi's announcement, we were in the car, on the way home and they wanted to know why everyone gets so excited about babies. Boys-they just don't get it. I must admit, I am pretty excited, and I'm sure the time will pass much more quickly for me than for the ones doing all the hard work growing healthy babies. To you, I say, rest now, because you will never sleep again. I'm also sorry to say, that once your babies arrive, no one will give you a second thought. Its just the way the system works. Please allow me to apologize now for blatantly ignoring you, while thoroughly enjoying the being you worked so hard to create. I'm on call 24 hours a day for questions, concerns, support, and baby-sitting when you just can't hold your eyes open any longer. Happy baking! Sarah


  1. oh my goodness....how long have you known about Andrew...why haven't they told anyone...so many questions..you were just here this morning..why didn't you tell me...I bet you are excited..is Missy doing well with this baby...super excited...

  2. oh my goodness! how exciting! im marrying into a family of boys. jason has 3 brothers! but they all have daughters. im hoping for boys (later. much, much later. lol)
    babies! eeeep!
