If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Here I go!

Well, this is it. It has actually happened-I've started a blog. What will I write about? Who knows. Who will read it? Who cares?! Will I talk about my kids too much? Most likely. My prediction is that the only people who would be able to relate to what I write, and find it amusing, are the people that are too busy to actually stop and read someone else's blog, because they're living the same things I'm writing about. So, here goes-this is my part journal, part rant, part something to do when I don't want to do what I should be doing, blog. I'm open to suggestions, but make no promises to put them to use. Hope your week goes well, wherever you are! Sarah


  1. My daughter. What can I say.You have kept me sane and grounded since the day you was born. The perfect husband? Yea probably, but I have one too,(that means that we are perfect for each other) and after all isn't that what perfect is? And mine is getting better everyday and with retirement... wow. And he has definitely made me a better person.
    I am not yet sure how this blog thing goes... but
    Amity, if you can read this.. I am glad you are closer too. You have always been such a big part of our lives.. We need you in it again.
    It is so neat to watch my daughter doing things with her boys that I did with my children, and getting to warp the boys in my own way, and tell them things that their mom did so she doesn't seems so perfect to them, which is a good thing raising kids.

    Plus I love to make her think.... oh no... I am turning into my mother... I mean isn't that what we all aim for as mothers?!

    You have caught hell from others about watching your weight and your passion about eating healthy. Ignore it ! Passion for something .....anything is what Life is all about.
    You also have a passion for caring for others. You never (like me) intentionally hurt anyones feelings or say things that are said with malice. Not to say that we don't make mistakes, but when we do it eats us up inside until it is rectified. That is what makes a true lady.

    Never let others tell you how to run your life. You have to set your own course, make adjustments for "LIFE" along the way, but learn from it all, then it will change and you will be given another challenge. You keep that head up and a smile on your face. You will find out who your true friends are and the rest be damned! If you ever need an example of a real lady... look at your grandmother Mary. The epitome of a lady who has faced change, lives her passions, and deals with challenge, all the while remaining compassionate, and giving unconditional love for her family. She is the mentor we all need. I love you Sar. Always Always Always.

  2. Wow..amazing. Thanks for sharing. I needed this. Love you all!. P.S. mom if you're reading this, I don't know how this blog thing works either, but I think Sarah's onto something great. You indeed have an awesome daughter. I'm grateful to have her as my sister. Love you Sarah! Mwah!

  3. Aw! I really loved the comments! Ya'll seem like an amazing family!
    Sarah, about what your mom said with the passion and the healthy foods. TAKE HER ADVICE! I know I am. People give me crap all the time for the way I eat but I have never felt better. Thanks for the encouragement!
    Love ya!
