If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

That was fast!

So, didn't take as long as I thought to have something to talk about on the blog. I managed to burn a lot of the grass in my backyard, and most of the grass in my neighbor's yard. SO embarrassing! I burned some trash, checked on it a few times, and it was ok, so I forgot about it. I went outside, thought, are the neighbor's burning the grass? (I'd seen several people burning pastures yesterday, so it was fresh in my mind) Uh, no, I'M the one burning the grass! Ran to the neighbor's, because the fire was only about a foot and a half from her house by this time. (Brick house, so it would've just gone out, but still-not good) I hooked up her waterhose, and started spraying. A man who lives in the neighborhood was nice enough to stop and help stamp out some of the flames to keep them from spreading. Thank goodness it didn't make it to any of the wooden privacy fences, or my wooden house. All in all, not bad, just burned the leaves, and the top layer of dead grass. Still, do I need to say it again? EMBARRASSING! I feel horrible-neighbors are cool about it-"No big deal." Hey, maybe the grass will grow better now. Please, no more excitement until tomorrow. Sarah


  1. I needed a good laugh today...thanks

  2. Anonymous is Lori, having problem with comment profile
